Monday, June 21, 2010

A Short and Sweet “History of the Book”

6 minutes is all you need to view “A Video History of Every Book Ever Written” by Marshall Crook for the Wall Street Journal

Also on an article about Great Audiobooks

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Digital Talking Books Celebrated by Librarians Serving Blind and Physically Handicapped Readers

News release from the Library of Congress "The delivery of high-quality-sound book cartridges and easy-to-navigate players was the result of 10 years of research, planning, and development," said Frank Kurt Cylke, NLS director. "The digital talking-book system will eventually replace cassettes and the machines used to play them in the homes of all our patrons."

Tom Miller, executive director of the Blinded Veterans Association, lauded the librarians for their work. He said that "besides not being able to drive anymore, not being able to read" is a concern to soldiers who return from the war blind. "The service you provide is truly a joy and a pleasure to us."

Read the whole story here: